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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Show me the (real) money: Person throws fake $50 bills on Guelph, Ont. street

It was like a scene from a movie. Someone in Guelph, Ont. decided to throw some money on the street — fake money that is.
Guelph police were informed at around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday that several $50 bills were being thrown onto the road on Edinburgh Road South near Wilsonview Avenue.
Investigators say people were seen stopping and getting out of their vehicles to pick up the bills only to later realize that the currency was fake. One witness told investigators that the fake bills were marked “FILM PROP.”
No one was hurt but investigators say it created a very unsafe situation.
Police are looking to speak to a man who was seen throwing the fake money. He is described as in his 30s, wearing a yellow T-shirt, shorts, and a backpack, and being accompanied by a large dog.
Anyone with information can contact Guelph Police Service at 519-824-1212 or email [email protected].
